Thursday, May 26, 2011


For graduation, the highschool near us built a giant tower of pallets. The rival school came and burnt the tower secretly the night before the big fire was supposed to happen. The tower took over 2 weeks to build, and burnt to the ground with only a few neighbors and the police watching. The city of Rexburg decided that was pretty lame, so they donated a whole ton of pallets to the school. They didn't have much time, so they stacked them all in a giant pile. Since they weren't built super pro like the first tower, it took a lot longer to burn. Chris took the chance to test out our new camera, and got a lot of cool shots.
You wouldn't believe how hot it was. I was worried about singing my eyelashes and I was standing well over 80 feet away. Chris took a pass way close. He had to run fast... it was very hot.
There were firemen watching the whole time. Luckily they didn't have to take action. But they sure could get a lot closer than anyone else. Good shot though right? Chris caught a lot of great shots.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What We've Been Up To (Other Than Work & School)

I  played with our camera's multiple shots mode while Chris did back-flips on the trampoline. That third one doesn't look like it's going to end well, I had to include that picture because it's not often Chris doesn't do flawless backflips. That would be the first time I ever saw him not make it... after knowing him for over 2 years. Long time I know.
Qanuk loves water... and Chris loves playing with him with water. These were some funny pictures I got.
Of course there are projects going on in the house... here's the latest, beaching out the bathroom. 
Chris is taking a web design class and is making my Dad a website for his project. We've been playing with ideas on how it could look.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011