Friday, December 31, 2010

Breaking in a new board??

This Christmas Sommer put together an amazing present for me.  The Rice and King families pitched in and got me a new snowboard and new bindings!  Our camera is charging so I'll put up a couple shots from my phone.  I was a little worried at first when I kinda pieced together the mystery of what I was getting for my birthday and Christmas (thanks to Mom spilling the beans that it was a snowboard)  that Sommer had picked a board without me being directly involved.  Over the last couple months I had been teetering between which two boards I liked. My favorite changed every time I looked at snowboards but was consistent between two boards:

The Burton Custom (left) and The Burton Supermodel X (right)

Looking back at it I feel like a little boy in the candy isle that can't make up his mind, but I figure a 500 dollar investment is one of those things where it's still ok to have that outlook with.  Anyway, I was back and forth between these two boards but it was only day dreaming.  I wasn't planning on getting either this season even though these two boards are from last season.  We even found the supermodel x new in a shop from last season and it was 50% off, I admit I druled a little.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Twenty and Four Years Later

I guess I'm 24 now.
So for my birthday i downloaded the old Tron from 1982 so i could get the back story and then we went with Julie and Bonnie to see the brand new one.  It was real fun and I really liked the way the two stories tied together.
Sommer and I had a nice relaxing day.  We cleaned up a little and got our house a little more organized.  Lately Sommer has had a lot of Deck Out My Home projects and it's made the house a bit of a mess, but it also gave us a ton more furniture and drawers so we have more places to put things, yahoo! Sommer and Julie made fun cupcakes for my birthday cake, as you can see from the post before this (chronologically).  Bonnie even came out just for my birthday...and to pick up Julie  :)  It was a nice day.  After we saw the new Tron movie I gave Sommer a couple bucks and she and Julie played a game they really like.  It's called "Pump it Up!"  Its like Dance Dance Revolution but by Korea or something.  Here's a couple fun videos of them, I think in one of the games Sommer won.

Chris' Birthday Cupcakes

For Chris' birthday Julie and I made Winter Wonderland Cupcakes. I don't think he loved them as much as we thought he would.... but he thought the leftover unfrosted cupcakes were tasty.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our 2nd Christmas, Our First Christmas Tree

Chris and I set out on an adventure today to find ourselves  a Christmas Tree. We purchased a permit a week ago, but we weren't able to go until today. We figured with all the forests in a 45 min radius from Rexburg, it wouldn't be too hard... we were a little wrong.

Mostly we had a hard time because I was not worried about Mother Nature and getting prepared. We ended up traversing across a very steep hill through knee deep (very wet) snow. Both of our legs up half way up our shins were totally numb. Then of course I didn't see any trees I liked. Chris finally gave me 2 minutes to look for a tree other than the one we were standing next to. I couldn't find any, and I think Chris started cutting the tree after 30 seconds anyways.

We had to head outta town for a while to find trees...
 Okay... so Charlie Brown can find a better tree.... but its our 1st Christmas tree together. And we like it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Park City Utah

You creep me out with the whole find blogs that mention park city and post a comment on them.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cameo's website

I've been working on a website for my oldest sister, Cameo, for the last couple months.
She is a florist located in Logan Utah who supplies a wonderful wedding experience for those she helps.  She worked on our wedding and created a wonderful memory for Sommer and I.  We really appreciated all the work she put into making our wedding unique and special.  She tailored each arrangement to what Sommer was looking for and we really had a fun time.  Check out her website, she's awesome.


So as a treat  for sommer and myself we went and got this new add on for the Xbox called Kinect.  

Its a 3d camera that tracks your body and uses your body as a controller.  We bought a game to go with our Kinect called Dance central.  Its a mix between a game called dance dance revolution that was a huge hit 8 years ago and a newer game called rock band.  It uses the Kinect to make sure you are doing the dance correctly.

Sommer really likes it and uses it to workout.  We both have a lot of fun with it.

In this picture you can see the flash cards on the side give you a general idea on what the next dance move is.

Monday, December 6, 2010

First Day of Snowboarding!

Last winter we lived in Park City, UT. US capital of snowboarding, and how many times did we go? Twice. Actually I only went once. So this year is "our" year. Our first day was last Saturday. It had snowed a foot the day before, and man did our legs feel it!

 Targhee might be a smaller mountain, but you can't deny the snow & the view (when you can see it).
This kid totally thought I was a creeper.... but he was riding the same board as Julie. There aren't many luchador flavored snowboards out there; I had to take a picture. I yelled up to him the reason why I was being so creepy. 
 This is my new favorite run at Targhee, on our first way down Chris found a good hole to get stuck in too! With that much snow it is hard to get out. I thought it was funny all I could see was his head!
We teach 6&7 year olds in primary. We thought it might be a good tactic to make movies of us to show them, that way they could see we think about them during the week (plus we were hoping they'd think we were cool and listen to us).
I had a lot of fun with my favorite snowboard buddy (slash favorite overall obviously!) We are excited to have a fun snowboard-filled winter.