Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kayaking "warm" River

Today we went Kayaking in Island Park. It was sooo fun! Julie came along with Emilee (her roommate and lifelong friend) and Cameron (Chris' old roommate who is awesome). We stared out at the Outdoor Recreation Center.... trying to figure out how to get 5 kayaks into 1 Jeep. I can't believe it, but it actually worked. On the way home I did have to hold on to one though that decided it would rather be in the road than in my Jeep.
Julie carried over all the paddles and skirts.
Right when we found the put in spot, we saw a HUGE beaver swimming across the water. It went over to its friend beaver by their house. If you look close you can see there is a beaver on the left and right of the pile of sticks.
There also was a crazy bat flying over the river round and round (probably eating tons of bugs). This is Julie explaining how you're supposed to be wary of bats that you see in the light, as it is a sign of "rabidness". None of us got bit.
The skirts are so hard to get on the kayak, so we all help each other and wait for everyone to get ready to rumble! This is Julie and Cameron, who both have never Kayaked before.
Chris and Emilee have both Kayaked only once (me too). But we all look so excited!

And off we go!
The scenery was very pretty! But the water was very cold! We didn't really get any pictures of the more exciting parts of the river... as we were all too busy keeping our kayaks straight and trying the best we could to not get caught on rocks.
Julie forgot to plug up the hole in hers, and slowly took on water until she could barely do anything. Funny thing was non of ours were plugged, but she had the smallest kayak and probably ended up with the hole under the water a whole lot more.
Chris took charge of the camera. This is our new "untouchable" camera.
Here's me in front of a waterfall.

This is probably the aftermath of Chris ramming Julie and then taking an underwater picture. It was so fun. We all talked about how fun it would be to be super good, but then we'd have to learn to Eskimo roll.... and that is scary. But it sure is fun to go down a relatively calm river.


  1. SOMMER!! Oh my goodness, it's you! How have you been? This kayaking adventure sounds like the bomb. I'm seriously jealous. Soo you're in Rexy right now? You need to come play in the LAX tournament this weekend on campus!!!

    Come visit me :) Love, Rachel T.

  2. Looks like fun! I have floated warm river before- and it is not warm. :D

  3. Sommer!!!! If you are in Rexburg I want to see you!!! call me 408-427-4767
