Here Sommer is on top of a mound. Conquering that mound real good!
Sommer said my pictures were the typical poses and that they weren't original. It took me a while to explain to her that i was the originator of the pose. Silly Sommer.
After showing Sommer what I just said there about the poses she replied "Whatever they have statues like that". I guess she didn't know that I was the inspiration for the sculptors, but I guess its ok...we've only been together for over a year and married for more than 6 months...there is still a lot to learn.
As of right now, we are planning to stay here during the summer time. I just got hired at Best Buy and hopefully will end up in one of their corporate event pictures where they are trying to build unity ... like this:
Sommer will continue working with Layton. The nice thing is they had assumed she was staying until then so there is nothing really that needs changing for her job.
We are however looking for a new place to live here in Park City area. There are lots of places still charging their "Winter prices", so it's been kind of hard. This place is definitely a seasonal area where the prices drop a bunch during the off-season (summer time). The main reason we're looking for a move is our landlord's little girl. My tolerance for some stranger's kid and her crying only goes so far, which happens to be April...when we move.
(By the way this is not a pic of the girl....i just google'd "crying toddler girl")
There are lots of fun things in the area and I am sure a lot of different things to do during the summer time. We are excited for this next step in our life together!
I'm so bummed you guys are staying there for the summer! I won't have any cool friends to hang out with! So please come and visit!